Highland County, Ohio Barn Quilts List
– Jan 23, 2016
Number County Name Owner Verif GPS Description
OH-36-01 Highland Untitled Historical Society 07-2015 N39 21.164 W83 22.739 In Greenfield. OH28/41/138 (Jefferson St.) E. 0.2 miles from jct with OH41 (Washington St.), N. on McArthur Way 100' to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 103.
OH-36-02   Carpenters Wheel Historical Society 07-2015 N39 21.174 W83 22.717 Same as OH-36-01.
OH-36-03   Bear Claw Greenfield Veterinary Clinic 07-2015 N39 21.222 W83 22.752 In Greenfield. OH28/41/138 (Jefferson St.) E. 0.2 miles from jct with OH41 (Washington St.), N. on McArthur Way 0.1 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 211.
OH-36-04   Dolly Madison Star Brenda & Bill Knapp 07-2015 N39 21.258 W83 22.821 In Greenfield. North St. E. 0.2 miles from jct with OH41 (Washington St.) to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 236 McArthur Way.
OH-36-05   Mosaic Star Karen & Ted Wheaton 07-2015 N39 21.079 W83 23.499 In Greenfield. OH41/73 (7th St.) N. 1 ½ blocks from jct with OH28 (Jefferson St.) to the quilt on the W. side of the road.
OH-36-06   Double North Star Mike & Sharon Sims 07-2015 N39 20.172 W83 26.224 W. of Greenfield, Madison Township. OH28 (Jefferson St.) W. 1.75 miles from jct with OH41/753 (7th St.) in Greenfield, veer left & continue W. on Centerfield Rd. 0.95 miles, S. on Hull Rd. 0.55 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 11801.
OH-36-07   Heavenly Star Hank Hurless 07-2015 N39 19.585 W83 28.810 SE of Leesburg, Fairfield Township. OH771 (Fairfield St.) S. 0.7 miles from jct with OH28 (Main St.). in Leesburg, E. on Lovers Lane (becomes Centerfield) Rd. 4.51 miles, SW (sharp right) on Bridges Rd. 100 yds to the quilt on the SE side of the road at 11370.
OH-36-08   Flying Geese John & Mary Ann Larkin 07-2015 N39 18.467 W83 27.757 SW of Greenfield, Paint Township. OH138 SW 5.5 miles from jct with OH753 in Greenfield, N. on Cope Rd. 1.5 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 10665.
OH-36-09   Basket John & Mary Ann Larkin 07-2015 N39 18.459 W83 27.759 Same as OH-36-08.
OH-36-10   Ohio University Geri & Jodi Faulkner 07-2015 N39 17.744 W83 27.832 SW of Greenfield, Paint Township. OH138 SW 5.5 miles from jct with OH753 in Greenfield, N. on Cope Rd. 0.7 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 10431.
OH-36-11   Farmers Daughter Geri & Jodi Faulkner 07-2015 N39 17.743 W83 27.816 Same as OH-36-10.
OH-36-12   Ohio Star Geri & Jodi Faulkner 07-2015 N39 17.702 W83 27.844 Same as OH-36-10.
OH-36-13   Wedding Ring Geri & Jodi Faulkner 07-2015 N39 17.702 W83 27.813 Same as OH-36-10.
OH-36-14   Diamond Star Jim Lucas 07-2015 N39 17.265 W83 27.486 SW of Greenfield, Paint Township. OH138 SW 5.5 miles from jct with OH753 in Greenfield, N. on Cope Rd. 100 yds to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 10041.
OH-36-15   Electric Fan Jogi Roe 07-2015 N39 16.966 W83 27.709 SW of Greenfield, Paint Township. OH138 SW 5.8 miles from jct with OH753 in Greenfield to the quilt on the NW side of the road at 9835.
OH-36-16   Rolling Star Wendell Fisher 07-2015 N39 16.056 W83 27.230 SW of Greenfield, Paint Township. OH138 SW 6.4 miles from jct with OH753 in Greenfield, SE on Bectal Rd. 0.9 miles to the quilt on the SW side of the road at 9276.
OH-36-17   Hunters Star Janie & Paul Cockrill 07-2015 N39 16.385 W83 26.630 SW of Greenfield, Paint Township. OH138 SW 6.4 miles from jct with OH753 in Greenfield, SE on Bectal Rd. 1.5 miles, NE on OH753 0.2 miles, N. on Winegar Rd. 0.6 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 9494.
OH-36-18   Untitled Unknown 07-2015 N39 12.938 W83 32.744 E. of Hillsboro, Liberty Township. US50 E. 3.7 miles from jct with US62 in Hillsboro to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 9369.
OH-36-19   Colorado Paul & Evelyn Orr 07-2015 N39 17.727 W83 24.729 S. of Greenfield, Madison Township. OH753 S. 4.0 miles from jct with OH28 (Jefferson St.) in Greenfield to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 10311.
OH-36-20   Monkey Wrench John & Wendy Royse 07-2015 N39 19.698 W83 24.641 SW of Greenfield, Madison Township. OH138 SW 1.65 miles from jct with OH753 in Greenfield to the quilt on the SE side of the road at 11530.
OH-36-21   Gretchen Star Gretchen Foltz 07-2015 N39 20.419 W83 24.102 SW of Greenfield, Madison Township. OH138 SW 0.7 miles from jct with OH753 in Greenfield to the quilt on the NW side of the road at 11939.
OH-36-22   Monkey Wrench Unknown 07-2015 N39 20.887 W83 23.438 In Greenfield. OH753 (7th St.) S. 0.1 miles from jct with OH138 (Jefferson St.) to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 246.
OH-36-23   Bethlehem Star Cattleman's Grill 07-2015 N39 11.955 W83 28.975 E. of Hillsboro, Paint Township. US50 E. 6.9 miles from jct with US62 in Hillsboro, S. on Beach Rd. 1.2 miles, W. on Shore Dr. 0.2 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 11145.
OH-36-24   Untitled Cattleman's Grill 07-2015 N39 11.957 W83 28.960 Same as OH-36-23.
OH-36-25   Untitled Morgan Family 07-2015 N39 10.397 W83 40.920 SW of Hillsboro, New Market Township. OH138 SW 4.3 miles from jct with US62 in Hillsboro to the quilt on the SE side of the road at 5964.